Analisis Kesignifikanan Perencanaan Pembelajaran Berorientasi Pada Keterampilan


  • Awaluddin Sitorus Dosen STAI Sumatera Medan


Planning, Teaching, School


Teaching  planning  in  wide  meaning  is  an  rational  applying  from systematic analysis processed development of  education with a purpose to that the education more efficient and effectively as according to requirement demand and  purpose  of  the  pupils  and  public.Though  effective  school  is  exploration school  capable  to  all  the  resource  potencies  to  reach  purpose  of  together. Professional  headmaster  is  a  leader  that  is  continuously  does  good  study planning, then tries actualisation of the plan by exploiting the potency, then did evaluation to policy or plan which organisation


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How to Cite

Sitorus, A. (2020). Analisis Kesignifikanan Perencanaan Pembelajaran Berorientasi Pada Keterampilan. Hikmah, 15(2), 104–109. Retrieved from