Perubahan Hukum Dengan Sebab Berubahnya Masa, Tempat dan Keadaan


  • Abdul Muthalib Dosen STAI Sumatera Medan


Fiqh, Ijtihad, Pembaharuan Hukum


Legal Changes With The Cause of Time, Place and State This study aims to  explore  the  ulama's  view  of  the  change  of  Islamic  law  by  changing  the  times, places and circumstances. the renewal of Islamic law can be interpreted as an effort and deed through a certain process with full seriousness done by those who have the competence and authority in the development of Islamic law (Mujtahid) in ways that have been determined based on the rules of law istinbat justified making the Islamic law more fresh and modern, not out of date. This is what Ushul fiqh terminology is known as "Ijtihad".Keywords: Fiqh, Ijtihad, Legal Update.


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