Supervisi Dalam Administrasi Pendidikan


  • Muhammad Ali Hanafiah Dosen STAI Sumatera Medan


Supervision  is  an  effort  to  help  the  development  and  upgrading  of  the parties in supervision so that they can carry out tasks predefined activities efficiently and effectively.  The characteristics and  properties  of supervision there are  two that are  natural  and  that  is  good.  Supervision  also  has  the  functions  and  duties  that  the Coordinator, Consultant, Group Leader, Evaluator. The purpose of supervision is to provide assistance to subordinates directly, so that subordinates have enough stock to be  able  to  carry  out  tasks  or  jobs  with  good  results  and  orient, train  workers,  lead, provide direction, and develop the skills of personnel.


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